JS Tip 123: From the Sales Workshops: Using Persuasion

Customers buy on benefits, not features. It’s an old saying because it’s a true saying.

In this discussion, “customers” means anyone: a partner, a co-worker, a boss, a client.  

“Benefits” means advantages. What the product or the course of action can do for her or him. Benefits are customer-based.

“Features” means the parts, the elements, of the product or the course of action. Features are product-based.

Selling the Benefits of a Product (in this case, a hydraulic pump)

Feature: “Our pump has a forged steel case.” And the customer thinks, “Okay. So what?”    

Benefit: “Our pump will save you money. It will last longer because it has a forged steel case.” And the customer thinks, “Wow. Saving money is good.”

Selling the Benefits of a Course of Action (in this case, a corporate dental plan)

Feature: “The plan would cover all employees and have a $100 deductable.” And the board thinks, “But what will it cost?”    

Benefit: “The plan will improve recruiting, morale, and productivity. It will pay for itself in six months.” And the board thinks, “If you can prove that, we’d be stupid not to do it.”

The approach works across the board: “If you go to bed now, you can wear your red jammies, the ones with the fire engines on them.” That worked with you, didn’t it? Heckuva lot better than “Because I said so.”

If you have questions or suggestions, let us know. We love this stuff. We really do.

Next week: The value of encouragement.