JS Tip 153: From the Leadership Workshops: The SBI Coaching Model
Mario Couture of Graymont suggested we research the SBI coaching model.
The Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North Carolina, developed the model. It’s good.
The model has three parts. As you coach others, frame your comments in three contexts:
The Situation. Identify the circumstances in which you saw the behavior:
“Charlie, do you remember last Thursday’s staff meeting?”
The Behavior. Identify the specific behavior you want to strengthen (or change):
“Sam asked an unrelated question. I think it was about admin procedures. Several people rolled their eyes. You patiently answered Sam’s question.”
The Impact. Explain the effect the behavior had on you or others:
“That caring attitude increases people’s trust in you. They know they won’t be ridiculed for their participation in a meeting.”
We see several advantages to the SBI model:
The model addresses specifics: specific moments. Specific behaviors.
The model connects behavior with impact. Actions with consequences.
The model is descriptive, not judgmental. It’s objective, not subjective.
If you’d like to know more, google “The SBI model.” Our search on Wednesday got nearly 10,000 hits.
It’s a good model; it’s a good tool.
Questions, comments, or arguments? Let us know. We love this stuff.