JS Tip 161: From the Writing Workshops: Appropriate Signatures

Last week, we talked about effective subject lines: signal words and summaries.

This week, we’ll talk about appropriate signatures: the automatic closings you can set in your e-mail preferences.

Your basic signature is name, title, organization, and telephone number:

         J. F. Sebastian
         Senior Consultant, Research and Design
         The Tyrell Company
         801 296 1155

Some signatures may include a corporate logo or a corporate motto.

Our friend Linda Rino of Zions Bank explains that some professional callings require a licensing number in the signature. (Check with your compliance office to determine your requirement.)

Avoid personal mottos or inspirational themes. (It’s not a question of politial correctness. You represent the organization. You have a shared responsibility. You may like cats, but your organization may not want to take that position.)  

If you have questions, comments, or arguments, let us know. We love this stuff.

Next week: A recent time-management workshop brought a lot of questions and comments about our levels of comfort and our levels of control. We’ll explore that.