JS Tip 174: From the Writing Workshops: cAPItaliZING thREE
We’ll explore two last capitalization guidelines.
One. Capitalize the first words of a displayed list.
Use the company colors in the advertisement:
• Maroon
• Tan
• Dark green
But don’t capitalize the words if you list the items as a sentence:
Use the company colors in the advertisement: maroon, tan, and dark green.
(Notice the punctuation as well. No commas or periods in the displayed list. Commas and periods in the sentence list.)
Two. Capitalize the major words in headings, sub-headings, and titles:
Profits Improved in the Second Quarter
Several Questions Remain
Gone with the Wind
Changing the Subject: A Question for You
This should be fun. Do these sentences mean the same:
Please note that all of our translated books are not currently listed on this page.
Please note that not all of our translated books are currently listed on this page.
If they mean the same, is one correct and one incorrect? Is one preferable to the other?
If they don’t mean the same, what’s the difference?
Let us know what you think.
If you have questions or comments, let us know. We love this stuff.
If you’re moving, let us know. The tips belong to you, not to your old organization.