JS Tip 422: Apostrophes, Part IV
From the Writing Workshops: Apostrophes, Part IV
We’ve been talking about apostrophes and possession. Last week, we promised to explore other uses of apostrophes.
Use an apostrophe to form the plural of lower-case letters:
The play chart was filled with x’s and o’s.
Use no apostrophe to form the plural of other constructions:
An upper-case letter:
He promised a return to the three Rs.
An upper-case abbreviation:
They’ve gone through three CEOs in the last year.
Numerals used as time periods:
The trend began in the 1990s.
But . . .
If you decide to shorten 1990s, use an apostrophe to show the loss of the first two numbers:
The trend began in the ‘90s.
What are your questions? We love this stuff.