JS Tip 595: Leading Through Change, Part VI

We’ve been talking about leading through change. This is the last of the series.  

A long time ago—when? 1955?—we introduced the acronym ADKAR (AwarenessDesireKnowledgeAbility, and Reinforcement) as a leadership tool. 

Today we’ll end the series with a discussion about reinforcement

It’s easier to make a change and keep it going when there’s a reward for supporting the change and keeping it going.

(Why does your manager bring donuts to the early-morning meetings? The donuts are a reward for coming to the meeting. Mmm . . . donuts.) 

To be effective, rewards must be present and meaningful
Consider three possibilities:

1. Hey, there’s no reward! You’re supposed to be here!

2.  Hey, we’ve got broccoli!

3.  Hey, we’ve got donuts!

Yeah. You see the difference.

So how do we make the rewards meaningful ?

We get to know our people. We find out what they value. We find out what they like:  

“What would make this worthwhile?”

“You wanna know what would make this worthwhile? How ‘bout a popcorn machine in the break room?” (Everyone nods.)  


And never forget the power of a simple compliment: Specific. Sincere. Short.

We love this stuff. 

Thank you, Hollie. We’ll miss you. 

Kurt Weiland