JS Tip 603: The Value of Truth, Part 1

True: In accordance with fact or reality. Correct. Accurate. Right. Verifiable.

We talked about this several years ago. In this crucial time of decision, it bears repeating.

Three connected ideas:

One: All relationships are based on trust.

Two: Trust is based on honesty.

Three: Honesty is based on truth.

Individuals, businesses, cultures, and nations depend on truth. They cannot operate in a world of deception. Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.

Three connected suggestions:

One: Tell the truth. Always. Never lie.

Two: If you’re not sure of something, say so: “I can’t say that for certain” or simply “I don’t know.”

Three: If you don’t want to say something, shake your head and say so: “I’m not comfortable answering that.” (Either you don’t have the information, or you don’t want to reveal the information you have. That’s okay.)

Credibility, once lost, is impossible to regain. Impossible.

We’ll continue the discussion next time.

Help us out here: Is this overkill? Is this too obvious? Does this need to be said?

Let us know.

We’re concerned about this stuff.

Kurt Weiland