JS Tip 523: Using Colons, Part II
Last week, we talked of the two major uses of the colon; this week, we’ll talk of the three minor uses. (And these are pretty simple.)
Minor Use One: Use a colon to separate hours from minutes, volumes from pages, and the first part of a ratio from the second.
The meeting began late at 9:06.
See The Waite Report 2: 325.
The fuel-to-air mix was 1:8.
Minor Use Two: Use a colon to separate a title from a subtitle.
The Doyle Report: American Business at the Crossroads
Patterns for Excellence: Increasing Productivity in the 21st Century
Minor Use Three: Use a colon after the salutation in a formal letter or email.
Ms. Dickinson:
Dr. Jekyll:
This is a formal letter or email. You’re using the person’s title.
An informal letter or email would use a dash:
What are your questions?
Nos encanta esta materia.