JS Tip 545: Brainstorming College Football (The Serious Results)

Two weeks ago, we asked you to brainstorm ideas to improve college football. We invited your ideas, funny and serious. 

We received many, many responses. Thank you. 

Last week, we announced the winners for the “Funny” category. (Congratulations Trever, Sabrina, and Sean.)  

This week, we’ll announce the winners in the “Serious” (we think) category. 

The Category Second Runner Up

Create a one-platoon system. Players play offense and defense—just as we did in the eighth grade. (Harry Burrell)

The Category First Runner Up

Have a chip embedded in the football. As soon as the ball crosses the goal line, LED lights on the pylons light up. (Dan Olson)

And the Category Winner

Settle ties by field goals similar to penalty kicks in soccer. Teams take turns, and each team’s kicker gets five tries from the fifty-yard line. Each successful kick earns one point. If the score remains tied after five tries, continue with one try each until a team pulls ahead. (Devon Marsh)

Prizes will go in the mail this week.

Again, thanks to everyone who participated.

Next week, more serious stuff.   

Let us know your questions and suggestions. We love this stuff. 

And we love college football.


Kurt Weiland