JS Tip 556: Who Do We Ask?*
The third in a series.
We’ve talked about when and what to delegate.
Now we’ll talk about who to ask.
Ask yourself three questions:
Question One: “Who would like to do the task?” You’ll get a lot better results if you ask someone who enjoys the work rather than someone who doesn’t. Duh.
Question Two: “Who has the skills to do the task?” If you ask someone to do a task they can’t do, you’re setting them up for failure. That’s poor leadership.
Question Three: “Who has the time to do the task?” You can control this. If you have someone who really wants to do the tasking and has all the skills to do the tasking, you can relieve that person of other jobs to do the tasking. But never overburden someone.
That’s it.
Next week, we’ll end the series with a discussion about how to delegate a task.
We love this stuff.
Also: Yesterday was Thanksgiving. We’re grateful for you. Thank you.
* We know.
We know.
Who and whom. But the rules are changing. Tell you what: We’ll review who and whom in an upcoming Tip. Just as a refresher.