JS Tip 589: Turn the Tables

We define good customer service as “service that exceeds the customer’s expectations.”

We suggest you turn the tables on those who serve you. 

Surprise them. 

Exceed their expectations. 

Carpe their diem. (We know, we know, horrible Latin.)  

You work regularly with those who serve you. The folks in the copy center. The people in the mail room. The teenagers at the car wash. 

The next time you go there, take a detour before you get there. Visit the break room. The 7-11. The Maverik Store. Maybe Little Caesar’s.  

Buy some sodas. Maybe get a pizza. 

As you deal with the folks in the copy center or the people in the mail room, pull out the sodas (or the pizza) and say, “I appreciate you. Please enjoy these sodas (or the pizza). This is just a small token of my appreciation. Thank you.” 

And enjoy the reactions. Big smiles. Some laughter. Maybe, even, some tears.

“You didn’t need to do this!” 

“So . . . uhhh . . . what’s your point?” (More laughter.) 

Every person needs to be appreciated. Appreciation gives life to life.  

If you have questions or comments, let us know. We love this stuff.

Kurt Weiland