Tip 713: Keeping Things Short, Part IVc
From the Writing Workshops: Keeping Things Short, Part IVc
We promised to explain how to rewrite passive voice in active voice.
Rewriting Passive Voice
Let’s start with a simple passive-voice sentence:
The report was written by Sarah.
You can rewrite passive into active in four steps:
Identify the action going on in the sentence: “The report was written by Sarah.” Writing. Yup. That's what's going on.
Identify the do-er of the action: “The report was written by Sarah.” Sarah. Yup. She's doing the writing.
Move the do-er to the beginning of the sentence: Sarah . . . .
Let the action of the sentence flow from the do-er of the action: “Sarah wrote the report.”
“The report was approved by the audit committee.”
(Let's see: approving . . . audit committee . . . The audit committee . . . .)
“The audit committee approved the report.” (Eight words down to six. A twenty-five percent weight loss.)
“Applications must be turned in by Friday.” (A tough one.)
(Turning in . . . . whoa. No actor. No do-er. You? Implied?)
“Turn in your applications by Friday.”
(This is called “imperative mode” or “command mode.” The “you” is implied or assumed: “Hey, YOU!” “What?” “Turn in your application by Friday!” “Okay!” Seven words down to six. Fourteen percent.)
Remember this applies only to sentences in which there's action.
Not all sentences include action. “Sarah’s report was brilliant” is description, not action.
We’ve talked about this a lot. Last time, maybe eighteen months ago. It’s an ongoing problem with business and technical writing.