Tip 674: More on Ethical Decision-making

From the Ethics and Values Workshops: Another Test

Last week, we talked of five tests to help us make honest and ethical decisions. 

At the end of the Tip, we asked for your thoughts and your tests.

Our friend Mel Sweat offered a test. This one comes from Rotary International, the service organization: 

The Four-way Test of the things we think, say, or do—

  1. First, is it the truth?

  2. Second, is it fair to all concerned?

  3. Third, will it build good will and better friendships

  4. Fourth, will it be beneficial to all concerned? 

The test covers many bases.

Something may be true, but not beneficial to all concerned. 

The “little white lie” may build good will, but the truth will eventually out and disappoint those who were lied to. The relationship will be damaged (“You lied to me!”) and perhaps destroyed. 

More thoughts? More tests? 

Next week, we’ll offer an ethical test for you. What would you do in a certain situation? What would be the right thing to do? 

You’ll be challenged. 

We appreciate you. We love this stuff. 

Kurt Weiland