Tip 699: Can Leadership Cloud Communication?

From the Leadership and the Communication Workshops: Can Leadership Cloud Communication? 

Can leadership cloud communication? 

The Murder in the Cathedral

In 1170, Henry II of England grew frustrated with the insubordination of  Thomas Becket, the man he had appointed as Archbishop of Canterbury. In his rage, he shouted at the walls, “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?”

Four of his knights stood nearby. They took the King’s outburst as an order. They traveled from the King’s chamber to Canterbury Cathedral and murdered the troublesome priest on the altar steps.*

The Trip to Abilene

In Jerry Harvey’s “The Abilene Paradox: The Management of Agreement,” the father of the family suggests, “Let’s get in the car and go to Abilene and have dinner at the cafeteria.” 

Four hours and 120 dusty miles later, the family returns home and discovers none of them really wanted to go. The father explains, “Listen, I never wanted to go to Abilene. I just thought you might be bored.**

The Discussion

Does the authority of leadership imply an obligation, even if no obligation is meant? 

If it does, how does a leader convey a message without obligation? 

By building relationships.

By creating trust.

By establishing that everything a leader says doesn’t require action. 

Interesting discussion.


*  Edward Grim, a monk and a witness to the murder, published the first reference to Henry’s remark in The Life of St. Thomas in 1180. 

** Jerry Harvey published “The Abilene Paradox: The Management of Agreement,” in Organizational Dynamics, 1974:3, 63–80.

Kurt Weiland