JS Tip 247: From the Customer-service Workshops: Craft Your “Out-of-Office” Message

Last week, we talked of letting your callers know you’re out of the office.

Let’s explore some specifics for that message.

  1. Keep it short. It’s not necessary to let people know where you are (unless you want people to bother you there). Just say, “I’m sorry, but I’m not at my desk right now.”
  2.  Include an expected return date. If you’ll be gone for a while, tell your callers when you’ll be back. Identify the time, day, and date: “I’ll be back at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, January 6th.”  
  3. Make certain the person you refer your callers to will be there. It’s frustrating to transfer to another person and find that person out of the office. (Especially if they refer their calls to you. It’s like a Slinky on an escalator.)   
  4. Never—ever—set your “out of office” message to “Reply All.” It’s a geometric progression: you’ll fill the world with your absence.

This is taking care of business. This is taking care of your customers.

If you have questions or comments, let us know. We love this stuff.

And Merry Christmas.

Happy Chanukah.

Happy Kwanzaa.

Happy Solstice.

This is a beautiful time. See you next year. 


