JS Tip 98: From the Leadership Workshops: Building Teams and Learning About People

Park at a different spot each morning. Walk through random work areas and buildings on the way to your office or worksite.

On your walk, watch what’s going on and say “Hello!” to the people you see. Make eye contact. Nod. Smile. “Hi! How’s it going?”

As you become more comfortable with the people you see (and as they become more comfortable with you), stop and talk with them. Ask them about their work. Be curious: “Help me understand. How does this work?”

Develop a sincere interest in the people and their work.

This is a great way to build a sense of community, a sense of teamwork. There’s no other way to learn what’s going on in your organization.

If you have questions or suggestions, let us know. We love this stuff.

Next week: More of your questions about writing.