JS Tip 538: Take Care of Your People
Last week we talked about the leadership imperatives:
Get the job done.
Take care of your people.
Aaron Wilson asked, “What are your suggestions on how to implement these imperatives?”
Thank you for asking. We’ll start with taking care of your people. (This seems to be the one most often ignored.)
Three suggestions:
Spend time with your people. Park on the far side of the building. Walk through the area. Say “Good morning!” Schedule time—put it on your calendar—to walk the area. Eat lunch with your people. Ask to join them at the table. Engage.
Talk with—and listen to—your people. Ask about their dreams and aspirations. Ask about their work: “How can we improve?” “How can we make your job easier?” “What would be the first thing you’d do if you were CEO?”
And listen. Ask permission to take notes. Share the ideas. Give credit to the sources. Act on what you learn.
Fight for your people. Sure, you represent the organization. But you also represent those who work for you. Be their champion and shield. When something stupid comes down, say, “Hey. This is . . . unwise.”
If you have questions or suggestions or arguments, let us know.
We love this stuff for two reasons: It’s the right thing to do. It works.