JS Tip 539: Get the Job Done

Two weeks ago, we talked about the leadership imperatives:  

    •    Get the job done. 

    •    Take care of your people. 

Last week, we talked about taking care of your people. 

This week, we’ll talk about getting the job done. 

Three suggestions: 

  1. Set and communicate clear goals. Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Relevant. Time-based. (We’ve talked about SMART goals in earlier tips.) Collaborate with those who are tasked with the goals and get their buy-in: “Is this do-able? Honest answer.” “Yes. We can do this.”

  2. Give mission guidance. Identify end results and let those tasked with the goals identify the means to those ends. Coordinate. Listen. Ask questions. Make suggestions. Respect their ideas. Respect their leadership.

  3. Get out of the way. Be a help, not a hinderance. Monitor from a distance. Find the balance between micromanaging and abandoning those tasked with the job: “How are you doing? Everything okay? What do you need?”

If you have questions or suggestions or arguments, let us know. 

We said this last time: We love this stuff for two reasons: It’s the right thing to do. It works.

Kurt Weiland