JS Tip 210: From the Customer Service Workshops: A Book of Business Etiquette


We propose a book of business etiquette.

What are some suggestions on how to treat co-workers?

What are some suggestions on how to make work more enjoyable?

We’ll start with three. We invite your suggestions.

Etiquette Tip Number One: Return Phone Calls. If someone leaves a voice-message on your phone and asks you to return the call, return the call within twenty-four hours. You can’t always be available, but you can always be polite.

Etiquette Tip Number Two: Return E-mail. (Obviously related to Tip One.) If nothing—nothing—else, acknowledge the message and promise to get back: “I’ve received your e-mail. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”

Etiquette Tip Number Three: Be on Time. Malcolm X said (and forgive the inherent sexism): “Never trust a man who doesn’t wear a watch.” Why? Because the person who doesn’t respect others’ time doesn’t respect others.

We’d like to hear your suggestions. Tell us what you think should be in our book of business etiquette. We’ll include your comments next week.    

If you have questions, let us know. We love this stuff. We really do. It’s fun.