JS Tip 211: From the Customer Service Workshops: Your Business Etiquette Suggestions
You responded beautifully. You sent in many suggestions. So many, in fact, we’ll take some time discussing your suggestions.
This morning, we’ll talk about face-to-face business etiquette.
Next week—and perhaps the week after—we’ll talk about social-media business etiquette.
Business Etiquette Face to Face
Etiquette Tip Number Four: Say “Thank you.” Several people suggested this. Say “thank you” even if the person is just doing his or her job. Consider sending the person’s manager a copy of the thank-you note. Make it sincere; don’t broadcast it: “Hey, everyone! Thank you!”
Etiquette Tip Number Five: Be polite. Don’t talk over one another in meetings. Keep issues with co-workers private. Don’t work while you’re having a conversation with a co-worker. (Pay attention. Make eye contact.)
Etiquette Tip Number Six: Be sincere. If you ask for feedback, take the feedback seriously. Act on the feedback or explain why you won’t.
Agree or disagree? Let us know.
Our thanks to Robyn Hamilton, Steven Maehl, Larry Mickleson, Tammy Minson, Paul Reps, and Michelle Wallace for the suggestions.
We’ll continue the discussion next week.
If you have questions, let us know. We love this stuff.